Monday 8 July 2013

My Personal prediction is that property Prices will rise for 5 Years! Sunil Patel ......What do you think?

UK house prices see modest rise, says Nationwide

The BBC's Victoria Fritz: "There are more mortgages 
UK house prices recorded a "modest" rise in May, increasing by 0.4%, according to the latest survey from the Nationwide building society.
It said the increase provided further support for "the view that the housing market is gradually gaining momentum".
The annual rate of price growth rose to 1.1%, the fastest pace since November 2011.
The increases mean that the average house now costs £167,912, the Nationwide said.
Cheap loans
Robert Gardner, Nationwide's chief economist, said a number of factors were likely to have contributed to the recent pick-up in activity.
"There has been an improvement in the availability and a reduction in the cost of credit, partly as a result of policy measures, such as the Funding for Lending Scheme," he said.

"With the UK returning to growth in the first quarter of 2013, the improvement in wider economic conditions may also be playing a role in boosting sentiment."
The Funding for Lending Scheme allows banks to borrow money at a discount from the Bank of England, providing they can show they have passed it on to customers in the form of loans.
Mr Gardner said that this had increased the availability of mortgages and pushed down rates.

UK house prices
Year on year % change

%3.7%1.9%HalifaxNationwide2007200820092010201120122013-20-15-10-50510Nationwide - annual comparison by month. Halifax - annual comparison by quarter.Source: Halifax and Nationwide
Warning of bubble
As a result, prices in the last three months compared with the previous three months were up by 0.4%, and have been growing according to this measure since October 2012.

Activity in the UK housing sector remains well below the peak of the market
Mr Gardner said that property sales were also up, running at about 5% higher each month this year than the average monthly level in 2012.
The number of mortgages approved, which can be expected to feed through to sales, also picked up at the start of the year, he said.
He expected the market to continue to gain momentum, partly owing to government support for more credit.
However, the government's Help to Buy scheme has come in for criticism, with claims that this would simply create another housing market bubble.
Under the Help to Buy Scheme, borrowers are able to take out an equity loan from the government, which will enable them to put down a deposit of just 5% on a property. That scheme began on 1 April.
Under the second scheme, starting in January 2014 and due to run until 2017, the government will guarantee up to 15% of a mortgage on homes worth up to £600,000. The scheme will be used to support £130bn of mortgages.
Critics have included the outgoing governor of the Bank of England, Sir Mervyn King, who warned that the scheme must not become permanent.

Regional house price differences

  • London: up 6.2%
  • South West of England: up 0.3%
  • East of England: 0.7%
  • North West of England: down 3.7%
  • South East of England: up 1.4%
  • Yorkshire and Humber: down 1.2%
  • West Midlands: up 0.5%
  • Wales: down 2%
  • East Midlands: down 1.2%
  • North East of England: down 5.7%
Source: Land Registry. Annual change to end of April
"I'm sure that there is no place in the long run for a scheme of this kind," he told Sky News in a recent interview.
On Wednesday, the OECD said that while new housing measures were likely to encourage residential investment and supply, there could be "upward pressure on house prices" if builders did not build more homes.
Regional variation
The Nationwide figures are based on its own lending data. Its rival, the Halifax - which is part of the Lloyds Banking Group - recorded a 2% average annual rise in prices a month ago. The two lenders calculate their year-on-year figures slightly differently.
Karelia Scott-Daniels, managing director of buying agents, Manse & Garret Property Search, said: "Much of the momentum is coming from London and South East England, and there is a danger that this is masking the stagnation in some other regions.
"But for properties that are priced correctly, there is no shortage of buyers."
Other commentators were more sceptical about Nationwide's conclusions.
"The rise in house prices recorded by the Nationwide in May could further boost the growing sense of optimism regarding the housing market. But the fundamentals are still weak, and we think much of that optimism is misplaced," said a spokesman for Capital Economics.
Data from the Land Registry has shown that price changes have varied widely across the UK.
Figures published on Thursday, covering England and Wales, showed that house prices rose by 6.2% in the 12 months to the end of April in London, and by 1.4% in the South East of England.
However, the North East of England saw average price falls of 5.7% and there was a drop of 3.7% in the North West of England over the same period.
The annual increase across England and Wales was 0.7%, the Land Registry said.
These rises were dwarfed by the increases seen recently in the US.
US house prices in March were up 10.9% from a year earlier, the biggest rise in nearly seven years, according to the S&P/Case-Shiller indexwhich was published on Tuesday.


Friday 14 June 2013

London Achiever's - The 8 Mindsets of Highly Successful People

                                                   8 Mindsets for Success
Are you ready to achieve a new level of success in some aspect of your life?
It seems an easy enough goal to aim for, right? After all, you’re smart and motivated. And there is no shortage of advice about what to do to reach your goals or live your dreams—and thus experience this greater success.But after several attempts to make change or implement said advice, why do you experience only mixed or varied results?
And why do these results, more often than not, feel haphazard (at best) or like the consequence of “luck” rather than an outcome based on a process that is both consistent and repeatable?
Tempting as it may be to blame the problem on the advice, on how you implement it or on some other external factor, to do so would be a mistake. The problem isn’t you or outside of you, but within you.
The problem is with your mindset—the rarely discussed, but critical, underlying component of every successful achievement. Yet despite this fact, few people realize success is not based strictly on whatyou do or how you do it. Instead, it is directly connected to how you think.
Ultimately then, it’s your thoughts—including your beliefs—that serve as the basis for all your subsequent actions, choices and behaviors. All of which either contribute to your success or lack thereof. Thus, it’s only by shifting your mindset and then aligning your actions accordingly that you begin to follow a success paradigm, which creates consistent results.As such, here are eight powerful mindsets that highly successful people live by—and which you’ll want to begin to cultivate within you too:

Mindset #1: Think Abundantly.
When a mindset is based in lack or limited thinking rather than one of abundance, it causes you to react to “what is right now” rather than respond to your vision of “what can be.” This means you determine what is possible based only on your current available resources. As a result, this severely limits and inaccurately “pre-determines” what you can achieve.
With an abundant or responsive mindset, however, you not only have a vision of what is possible, you develop and then follow a clear-cut strategy to achieve it. This strategy also includes being open to or identifying innovative ways to bring those necessary and needed resources into your life—even if you can’t see how to do so initially.

Mindset #2: Think Differently.
Your current thinking is what has created and led to your current level of success. Thus, if you want to live a bigger vision for your life you need to think differently, especially as this directly influences your choices, behaviors and actions steps too.
However, most people continue to follow what’s worked for them in the past and mistakenly believe it will take them to the next level of success. Because they continue “to do the same thing over and over again yet expect different results” they end up disappointed (and inadvertently live out Einstein’s definition of insanity too!). Frustrated, they wonder why nothing changes or improves for them—and over time, are likely to give up on their goals or dreams altogether.

Mindset #3: Think Big.
Yes, this mindset seems obvious. So much so, it’s almost become the official platitude for success. Nevertheless, the truth is most people think and start small in the hope they will eventually achieve and then live their bigger life goals and dreams.
However, it’s best to think big right from the start and then create the success strategy needed to reach that goal. In this way, your vision and your strategy influence your action steps—and it’s thesedirect action steps towards your goals or dreams, which determines what you can and will achieve.

Mindset #4: Think Positively.
This mindset seems (almost) overly simplistic that you may feel tempted to discount it. Don’t.
In addition, its regular overuse as an inept platitude to offer encouragement when one encounters difficulty or struggle has diminished its perceived value too. This, however, doesn’t mean it isn’t without worth.
Instead, a more skillful way to understand, “reframe” and then apply this valuable mindset would be to reference Henry Ford’s quote, “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”

Mindset #5: Think Decisively.
When setting goals or pursuing a dream, make sure they are something you truly want to do, be or have. Then make a firm and fully committed decision to pursue them.
If you’re not one hundred percent decided and passionate about your goals or dreams, then when challenges arise (and they will!), you’ll likely waver. Nothing stops the flow or experience of success faster than hesitation and indecision.

Mindset #6: Think Faithfully
The faith or belief in your ability to be, to do or to achieve something greater (or different) than what you have now must be present before you experience success, not after.
It’s this inner sense or inner feeling that you are capable of so much more which helps build the bridge towards greater success, but if—and only if—you regularly act in accordance with your faith or belief.

Mindset #7: Think Commitment
Goethe once said that “the moment one definitely commits oneself then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.”

He’s right. A strong, unwavering commitment contains within it the power to initiate a flow of serendipitous events. This includes, but is not limited to, the necessary resources or opportunities needed to support your pursuit of greater success.

Mindset #8: Think Gratitude
Gratitude is an often misunderstood, but powerful, success mindset. It’s not something you expressafter you achieve your goal, but a mindset you maintain while in pursuit of it.
As such, worry and doubt are replaced with both a trust and faith that your goals and dreams are not only possible, but already achieved—and successfully so. All that’s left, for you to do, then, is to take the necessary steps to transform your “gratitude” into reality.
And then…to enjoy your newly created success.